About the Unit of Computational Science, Kyoto Univ.

“Computational Science,” which is responsible on the analysis of mathematical models implemented on computers, will easily clarify various complicated phenomena or easily predict future. This new study area has achieved a great number of fruitful results in various research fields, now drawing attention as “The Third Scientific approach” which follows theoretical and experimental traditional approach.

“Unit of Computational Science” is a cross-departmental organization, whose purpose is to strongly promote research in computational science at Kyoto University. The aim of this unit is to facilitate horizontal cooperation among subfields of computational science as well as vertical cooperation between computational science and computer science. To accomplish this aim, this unit provides opportunities of meeting and interaction among researchers who have similar research interests in computational science, researchers who are seeking problem solving methods in computational science, and researchers who are groping for application or extension of fundamental theories in information and computer science.

The Unit of Computational Science  also offers cross-departmental education in order to cultivate next-generation researchers in computational science, taking advantage of benefits as an interdisciplinary organization. In the 2011 academic year, for instance, it plans to open a new course for all majors (including graduate students), entitled “Introduction to Computational Science.” In this course, teachers at several departments will demonstrate how computational science is applied in various fields. On the other hand, it will also offer some wide-range lectures and seminars such as foundation of parallel programming, solution algorithm, and application of calculation techniques for graduate students.

Furthermore, the  unit will be considered as a base of contact when Kyoto University cooperates with external researchers or organizations in computational science. If you are interested in this “Unit of Computational Science”, whether inside or outside Kyoto University, please contact our office.

Activity Results: Computational Science Unit

The Unit of Computational Science was established on April 1, 2010 and completed its activities on March 31, 2018, extending the originally planned activity period. The goal of the Unit at the time of its establishment, to strengthen “horizontal collaboration” among researchers in computational science and “vertical collaboration” among researchers in high-performance computing technology, has made steady progress through the holding of exchange meetings, leading to research activities such as HPCI/JHPCN. In addition, education in computational science, a new academic field, was widely provided not only by offering and implementing university-wide common courses offered by the Unit, but also through cross graduate school courses offered by the Graduate School of Informatics, and through collaborative lectures outside the university at Kobe University. (Information on this website is current at the time of completion of activities.)

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