Message from the director

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Shinsuke Mori,
Director of Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies

In Search of Academic Knowledge

The Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies (ACCMS)
pursues, as its mission, the sophistication of academic knowledge
in cooperation with researchers in Kyoto University as well as other
institutes. Academic knowledge ranges from theories and laws to
data such as the observations and simulations that form their basis,
and even includes metadata such as bibliographic information. By
compiling and analyzing these, we contribute to research
performed by humans and aspire to the expansion of academic
knowledge by machine intelligence.

We have four research departments: the Department of Computing
Research for high throughput data processing, the Department of
Digital Content Research for advanced calculation with machine
intelligence, the Department of Social Informatics Analytics
Infrastructure Research for the compilation, analysis, and
application of data in society including education, and the
Department of Networking Research for connecting data sources,
computing resources, and researchers. With collaborative research
laboratories we work towards these aims and to provide
achievements both inside and outside of the university.

As computing infrastructure, we design, install, and operate
supercomputer systems in addition to each department’s
computers. And we contribute to the operation of mdx, a cloud
platform for supporting data science and cross-disciplinary
research collaborations. ACCMS is, along with the supercomputer
centers of seven other leading national universities, a member of
Joint Usage / Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale
Information Infrastructures (JHPCN). Additionally, ACCMS has
made important contributions to the establishment of KUINS, the
Kyoto University network which connects computing resources and
data both inside and outside the university. Each department of
ACCMS also uses this hardware for testing to contribute to its

With these computing infrastructures we work and cooperate with
researchers in various domains, not only those with high affinity for
computation or simulation but also ones such as humanities and
social sciences which may have been considered far from them.
We publicly release not only research papers but also software and
data. And we even conduct research targeting that kind of
academic information to pursue further academic knowledge.

As described above we pursue both fundamental research and its
applications. We look forward to your continued understanding
and cooperation.

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