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学術情報メディアセンターセミナー 「ラーニングアナリティクスによるエビデンスベースの教育の実現に向けて」

Post date:2018/04/23

6月22日の学術情報メディアセンターセミナーでは、ミシガン大学(SoLAR学会会長)の Stephanie Teasley 氏に講演いただきます。学内外を問わず多数の方のご参加をお待ちしています。

日時 2018/06/22(金)16時30分〜18時30分
会場 京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター南館 2階 201マルチメディア講義室
参加費用 無料
参加申込み 不要
主催 京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター
お問い合わせ 京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター  緒方 広明
メール:contact * let.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください)
プログラム ◆16時30分~17時30分
講演者: Stephanie Teasley (ミシガン大学教授、SoLAR 学会会長)
講演題目: Delivering on the Promise of Learning Analytics through Actionable Research
講演概要: The research community for Learning Analytics is growing rapidly promising new insights into learning and resulting innovations in pedagogy. For this promise to be realized, however, we need the capacity to leverage educational data for scholarly research and apply research results at the kind of scale that truly changes how we teach and learn. In this talk I will provide an overview of Learning Analytics and present examples of this kind of work from the University of Michigan where we are engaged in learning analytics as an institutional initiative aimed at using the data produced by digitally-mediated education to better understand and improve student outcomes. I will conclude by discussing how Higher Education can build the infrastructure needed to explore new tools and practices that may change significantly how we educate our students.

Short bio: Dr. Teasley is a Research Professor in the School of Information, the Director of the Learning Education & Design Lab (LED Lab), and Core Faculty member of the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) at the University of Michigan. She received her PhD in cognitive psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. Throughout her career, her work has focused on issues of collaboration and learning, looking specifically at how sociotechnical systems can be used to support effective collaborative processes and successful learning outcomes. Her recent work has focused on assembling and utilizing institutionally-held student data to design and evaluate new ways to support student success. She is one of the leaders the University of Michigan’s significant investment in developing and supporting the use of learning analytics to investigate questions about academic achievement in Higher Education. She has been a Program Chair for the Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK’14) and co-chaired the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI’16 & ‘17). She became the President of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) in 2017.

講演者: 緒方 広明 (京都大学学術情報メディアセンター 教授)
講演題目: 「ラーニングアナリティクスを用いたエビデンスベースの教育に向けて」
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